Socket G2, also called rPGA988B, was introduced in January 2011 as a socket for mobile microprocessors, based on Sandy Bridge microarchitecture. Alongside the new CPUs, Intel launched HM65, HM67, QM67, QS6 and UM67 6-series mobile chipsets, compatible with the socket. While the initial launch of socket G2 platform included only Core-branded processors, Intel eventually released mobile Celeron and Pentium “Sandy Bridge” models, compatible with the socket.The rPGA988B was also used for the next generation of mobile microprocessors, codenamed “Ivy Bridge”. These CPUs were released in April 2012, and were paired with new 7-series chipsets, that featured partial compatibility with older products. The 7-series chipsets supported not only Ivy Bridge, but also Sandy Bridge mobile processors. However, due to changes in electrical interface of Ivy Bridge chips, they could not be used in older motherboards, built on 6-series chipsets.